Lip Flip Injections

Dr Nora
4 min readDec 12, 2023

What’s all the buzz about? Doctor Explains

With over 400 million hashtags on TikTok, it’s hard to have not heard about the cosmetic trend known as the Lip Flip. In this article I talk about what it is, how it is performed and who would be most suited for it.

To get a better understanding of the procedure, it’s time to take a short anatomy session. The face, as you may appreciate, is made up of many muscles that either work independently or synergistically with another muscle to create an action. The lips are no different. The muscle that controls the lip is known as the Orbicularis Oris. This is a concentric muscle around the lip that helps us to move our mouth whilst we talk.

Muscles of the face

So it’s no wonder that, as with any muscle on the face, the more we move it, the more lines we get and the upper lip is no stranger to this. More on this later however.

What To Expect

The lip flip consists of using anti-wrinkle injections into the muscle of the upper lip, which firstly relaxes the muscle but also provides a very subtle eversion of the upper lip making it appear fuller and larger.

The injections are placed superficially into the upper lip away from the border of the lip and avoiding the philtrum columns. These columns provide structural support for the lips and help to give them the ‘v’ shape.

Subtle changes to the upper lip — image generated by


As with any cosmetic procedure, not everyone is suitable. Broadly speaking, those who may be pregnant or breastfeeding and those who suffer from particular neurological conditions are not recommended to have anti-wrinkle injections.

If however, you are eligible to have the procedure it is most useful in those who:

  • have a small upper lip
  • are looking for subtle results
  • looking to have a less gummy smile
  • have vertical lines above the lip that require treatment
  • are considering lip filler but want to try the lip flip first


Aside from the usual side effects from injections, such as bleeding, bruising and swelling, the lip flip may not work on everyone. Some other cons to the procedure include:

  • taking 2 weeks to work
  • you may have difficulty pursing your lips when drinking from a straw or whistling for a short time after treatment
  • it is temporary — lasting up to 3–5 months

Smoker’s Lines

The same procedure can also be used to treat “smokers lines” or “barcode lines”. These are vertical lines that arise from the border of the lip to the fleshy part of the skin between the lip and the nose. As mentioned earlier, as we always use the lip muscles to communicate, we eventually get static lines — or lines that are present with no movement — on the upper lip. This can be distressing to some as often patients will report that their ‘lipstick bleeds’ into their upper lip. We tend to see these lines accentuated in those who smoke — hence the name, however, anyone can get such lines.

Treatment of “smoker’s lines” — image generated by

Filler Vs Lip Flip

It’s important to understand that there is a difference between a lip flip and lip filler.

Lip filler involves injecting dermal filler into the lips to increase the volume and change the shape of the lip. It is slightly more invasive than the lip flip, however it lasts longer — up to 6–9 months. It generally is more expensive than a lip flip. Some may opt for lip filler to help create a lip flip which can certainly be done with skilled hands. Similarly, the lines above the lips can reduce as the volume of the lip increases. Often you will see these two treatments done in tandem.

Lip filler and a lip flip used in tandem — image generated by

When considering these options you should always seek the opinion of an adequately qualified healthcare practitioner as each of these procedures carry a number of risks.

Of course, if none of these options seem suitable and you would rather know how to prevent them, then take a look at my in depth article on how to reduce the signs of ageing here.

I hope that you have found this article helpful.

Take care and stay healthy,

Dr Nora x

Please note that the contents of this article are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice. Always seek the guidance of your doctor or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or medical condition.



Dr Nora

Welcome to my clinic, featuring posts on General Practice, Minor Surgery, Cosmetic Procedures (incl. Anti-Wrinkle & Dermal Fillers), and Family Planning.